Ola..I’m abandoning this blog for too long. Hope that there’s still some spirit inside to continue writing. Writing not one of my interests because I love to speak, story telling rather that scribble out my thought here and there. So, just be calm and tender to read all of my chattering and whining and spilling and..
So, here we go…
Semalam..eh..tetibe BM pulak. Introduction atas tu saje bikin gempak. Tapi takpela kan …it’s one of the many ways I can do to improve my English to be able to communicate with it fluently. Sometimes I feel inferior whenever I open up my mouth to start just a simple conversation. Sedeh kan? Hahahaha
Sambung balik..semalam aku nak kene pi masukkan duit angah . Tapi kene masukkan thru bank islam. Jadi kene la search the nearest bank islam. Yang aku tahu ada branch bank islam dalam medan mara. Dan dekat la jugak dengan opis. So, its not a big deal to walk there and transfer the money.
Nak dijadikan cerita, aku tanye MKH malam sebelum tu. Ingat tak kat mana ada bank islam atm machine? Is it dalam maju junction sebab pernah pegi sana, macam perasan ada bank islam dalam tu. Dia cakap..takde kot. Takpe..esok pi sana sama-sama. Or, kita pergi je s.alam hantar duit kat angah. Aku dah fikir…aiyoomaa..jauhnya nak hantar duit.Kalau riban-riban takpe kot. Ni takat seratus, bank in je kan senang. Tapi, nak jugak sama-sama. Okay la…ikot kan je la. Dah sayang punye pasal kan…..
Lepas tu semalam boleh pulak sehari suntuk hujan.Dari pukul 5 pagi sampai la ke petangnya. Aku tengok hujan pun bukan yang renyai-renyai punya, tapi lebat yang kalau kena kat kepala boleh cakap “Ouch! Hujan ni..besarnyaa…” haa macam tu le lebih kurang. Tapi, dia nak jugak datang sentul.Kita ni punya la risau kan dia. Ye la hujan-hujan ni jalan licin. Macam-macam boleh jadi. Aku risau tang tu je. Tapi dah dia gigih nak datang aku layankan aje la. Aku pun balik la rumah sambil memandang sepi medan mara yang sekangkang kera dari lrt bandaraya tuh.
Sampai je bawah apartment, MKH dah tunggu kat situ. Aku happy sebab dapat jumpa dia.Rindu weh. Padahal baru sehari. Aku naik, salin baju kejap. Then turun.Borak-borak nak ikut jalan mana. Dia kata pi yang jalan Chow Kit tu. Okay, aku ikut aje. Tapi masalahnya MKH ni..dia tak suka nak ingat jalan. Boleh je ingat kot…ke memang tak boleh langsung? Haih..Dah pusing nak ikut yang die tulis tapi die boleh pulak nak ikot jalan biasa. Aku dah start bising. Eh..boleh je nak try lalu jalan lain. Bukan ada masalah pun kan. Pastu turn around ikut jalan yang dah tulis tu. Tapi pusing-pusing sampai kat Medan Mara gak sebab kat mana tah salah masuk jalan.Last-last pi Medan Mara. Nampak tak, betapa jauhnya perjalanan aku nak pi situ padahal aku leh je pi sendiri. Simple tasks. Transfer duit. Aduhaii…
Ingat dah sampai situ nak pi Semua House kejap. Cari belt konon. Tapi tetibe mood jadi tak baik. Kenapa ntah. Tetibe je lain jadinya..Terus cakap nak balik. Padahal aku nak ajak pi Sogo tengok-tengok bantal. Pastu pi muazz. Terus blank. Fikir nak balik. Nak baring! Nak tak nak MKH terpaksa hantar aku balik. Sampai je kat bawah rumah, MKH ajak minum. Aku tak nak. Nak balik jam jam tu jugak katanya. Sampai depan pintu rumah, salam pastu terus nak masuk bilik. MKH pun balik aku tak hantar macam biasa. Aku masuk rumah terus baring dalam bilik. Dengan tak salin baju semua. Aku pejam mata terus meleleh air mata. Kenapa tah..aku rasa nak meraung time tu jugak. Amende aku fikir, amende aku rasa aku pun tak tahu. Yang penting aku menangis macam kan aku baru lepas kene dera.
Then cepat-cepat aku mesej cakap sorry, aku takut je dia marah. Yela dia je yang beria-ria nak spend masa dengan aku. Aku pulak langsung macam tak appreciate ape yang dia dah buat untuk aku. Lepas tu tak lama aku dengar azan. Aku terus mandi. Mandi lama-lama. Sebab aku rasa bila air tu jatuh atas kepala aku macam aku dah release semua yang aku rasa.
Aku solat then aku ngaji. Ngaji pun ada sedu sedan. Dan dan tu jugak aku teringat dekat atok dengan nenek aku. Aku mintak num phone dekat angah lepas tu aku call atok. Cakap lebih kurang pastu baru aku rasa lega. Pastu aku sambung baca buku. Pastu aku main Sudoku. Lepas tu aku tulis-tulis. Amende tulis pun tak taw. Dah tulis-tulis aku koyak pastu buang kertas tu.
Pukul 10 aku dah siap siap nak tidur. Sebelum tidur, satu mesej aku sempat hantar. Love U. Tu je. Lepas tu aku pun tido tak sedar diri. MKH ada call tapi amende aku cakap aku pun tak sedar.
Pagi ni baru aku realize. Apesal aku tetibe tak best semalam nya. Aku kenyang sangat + aku pening kene hujan + aku rindu MKH tapi tak tahu nak spill, cakap macam mana. Bukan masalah dia ada dekat dengan aku ke apa. Dia macam satu mende dalam hati ko yang ko takle nak describe in one perfect words.
Aci MKH dapat awek saiko mcm aku??
Wednesday, March 23
Tuesday, March 8
public again??
kudos to foo or fue or fairuz or si chantek jelita err..last sekali tu ye ke bukan ek? hahahaha sebab telah memberi idea serta sumbangsaran yang bernas untuk mempublic kan balik blog ni. caranya?? tak sampai 5 menet pon dah siap. tukar je la address. hahaha thanks sayang..tapi nuffnang takde la dah. sebab address dah tukar kan..its okay. tak perlu sangat pun sebab dah setahun blog ni duit terkumpul adalah sebanyak 11 ringgit. hahahahaha
ape pun...kalau ada lagi rasa tak best memang private lagi la gamaknya....cest!
ape pun...kalau ada lagi rasa tak best memang private lagi la gamaknya....cest!
Monday, March 7
lebih baik tak tahu dari tahu...
i think, its better for me to not know anything rather than know something that makes me mess up my head with a one thousand and one questions.
ya...ya...its my fault who's the one yang gatal2 tangan cek tang sana..cek tang situ..cek tang sinun...then, terjumpa something..then....tak payah cerita la.malas.sebab cerita lama.cuma nak tulis kat sini sebab takut lupa tapi mana mungkin boleh lupa sebab aku akan ingat sampai bila-bila. heh! penat kot kalau baca kuat2 ayat yang kat atas tu sebab takde koma bagai nak bagai pause kejap tarik nafas. eh..kenapa yang explanation pun panjang sama tak boleh kasik can tarik nafas lepastu rasa nak semput sekarang?
Ape pun, in a relationship we must put the trustworthy between each other. once you doubt to your partner then you will be caught in doing that forever without noticeable. hey peeps, im not advice or told you to trust your partner 101 percents. Its just, give him/her your trust. They deserve that from you.
If there's something that make you doubt just confront with them. Don't tell everything that you know about them before you ask some question.Don't ask provocative question just because you want your partner admit their wrongdoing. Just ask some simple question and wait for their answers. If your partner really love u , they will be honest when answer it. When you don't get what you want from their answers, be cool. Don't start any argument. If until the end of conversation they did not admit, you need to tell what had you know to them. Make them understand that you confront to them about this matter because you want a good discussion not an argument that later will make you and your partner sorry.
Learn from the past is good but it turn to not good when u misuse it.
Just my lil thought.
ya...ya...its my fault who's the one yang gatal2 tangan cek tang sana..cek tang situ..cek tang sinun...then, terjumpa something..then....tak payah cerita la.malas.sebab cerita lama.cuma nak tulis kat sini sebab takut lupa tapi mana mungkin boleh lupa sebab aku akan ingat sampai bila-bila. heh! penat kot kalau baca kuat2 ayat yang kat atas tu sebab takde koma bagai nak bagai pause kejap tarik nafas. eh..kenapa yang explanation pun panjang sama tak boleh kasik can tarik nafas lepastu rasa nak semput sekarang?
Ape pun, in a relationship we must put the trustworthy between each other. once you doubt to your partner then you will be caught in doing that forever without noticeable. hey peeps, im not advice or told you to trust your partner 101 percents. Its just, give him/her your trust. They deserve that from you.
If there's something that make you doubt just confront with them. Don't tell everything that you know about them before you ask some question.Don't ask provocative question just because you want your partner admit their wrongdoing. Just ask some simple question and wait for their answers. If your partner really love u , they will be honest when answer it. When you don't get what you want from their answers, be cool. Don't start any argument. If until the end of conversation they did not admit, you need to tell what had you know to them. Make them understand that you confront to them about this matter because you want a good discussion not an argument that later will make you and your partner sorry.
Learn from the past is good but it turn to not good when u misuse it.
Just my lil thought.
Sunday, March 6
Saturday, March 5
life are clueless
i know, i should not poke into someone life..lagi2 about love matter. but in my head threre were a big question mark. somehow i keep asking myself..why it happened. how it happened and many more.
i know, i should not being too concern..*sigh..i repeated again those word about poke other people life's, but..he is my friend. i think i know him better but the truth its not. not even a blip for seconds that i know him.
come on la kawan..dia tu isteri orang. aku tak paham. korang berdua memang ada buat oath ke masa kecik2 yang dalam ornament tu ada tulis bile dah besar walau macam mana yang berlaku dalam hidup korang yang korang mesti bersatu. mesti kawen? *sigh..aku pulak yang naik angin.
this is reality of life. everyone must * i think i want to capitalizing the MUST word...everyone MUST go through and through, face it and solve whatever matters that come in your life. at the utmost wit, come even hell and high water..must go through bukan take one step back and run from the reality then life in the fantasy that you, yourself created.
sebab tu aku cakap. life are clueless..tak tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada masa yang akan datang.aku berdoa and keep asking from My Lord for HIS worship and bless for my relationship with him..MKH. Love u sayang..
i know, i should not being too concern..*sigh..i repeated again those word about poke other people life's, but..he is my friend. i think i know him better but the truth its not. not even a blip for seconds that i know him.
come on la kawan..dia tu isteri orang. aku tak paham. korang berdua memang ada buat oath ke masa kecik2 yang dalam ornament tu ada tulis bile dah besar walau macam mana yang berlaku dalam hidup korang yang korang mesti bersatu. mesti kawen? *sigh..aku pulak yang naik angin.
this is reality of life. everyone must * i think i want to capitalizing the MUST word...everyone MUST go through and through, face it and solve whatever matters that come in your life. at the utmost wit, come even hell and high water..must go through bukan take one step back and run from the reality then life in the fantasy that you, yourself created.
sebab tu aku cakap. life are clueless..tak tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada masa yang akan datang.aku berdoa and keep asking from My Lord for HIS worship and bless for my relationship with him..MKH. Love u sayang..
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