Monday, March 7

lebih baik tak tahu dari tahu...

i think, its better for me to not know anything rather than know something that makes me mess up my head with a one thousand and one questions.

ya...ya...its my fault who's the one yang gatal2 tangan cek tang sana..cek tang situ..cek tang sinun...then, terjumpa something..then....tak payah cerita la.malas.sebab cerita lama.cuma nak tulis kat sini sebab takut lupa tapi mana mungkin boleh lupa sebab aku akan ingat sampai bila-bila. heh! penat kot kalau baca kuat2 ayat yang kat atas tu sebab takde koma bagai nak bagai pause kejap tarik nafas. eh..kenapa yang explanation pun panjang sama tak boleh kasik can tarik nafas lepastu rasa nak semput sekarang?

Ape pun, in a relationship we must put the trustworthy between each other. once you doubt to your partner then you will be caught in doing that forever without noticeable. hey peeps, im not advice or told you to trust your partner 101 percents. Its just, give him/her your trust. They deserve that from you.

If there's something that make you doubt just confront with them. Don't tell everything that you know about them before you ask some question.Don't ask provocative question  just because you want your partner admit their wrongdoing. Just ask some simple question and wait for their answers. If your partner really love u , they will be honest when answer it. When you don't get what you want from their answers, be cool. Don't start any argument. If until the end of conversation they did not admit, you need to tell what had you know to them. Make them understand that you confront to them about this matter because you want a good discussion not an argument that later will make you and your partner sorry.

Learn from the past is good but it turn to not good when u misuse it.

Just my lil thought.


khamil said...

ni pasal ape nih..?
yg pasal awak pinjam lattop sye 2 ke..?

swollen tongue can't wrap itself said...

what ever it is.. when it comes to trust, don't simply put thrust on people... people as deviance as God has created comes with so many way to solve their probs... sometime people may see that your way of problemsolving may clash with others and to make people happy its a good thing to practise and yet we still far away to earn all happiness.. whatever it is, i'm quite agreed with your discussion method rather than argument. Go Go Giant Redlipstcik.. HAHAHA..