i know, i should not poke into someone life..lagi2 about love matter. but in my head threre were a big question mark. somehow i keep asking myself..why it happened. how it happened and many more.
i know, i should not being too concern..*sigh..i repeated again those word about poke other people life's, but..he is my friend. i think i know him better but the truth its not. not even a blip for seconds that i know him.
come on la kawan..dia tu isteri orang. aku tak paham. korang berdua memang ada buat oath ke masa kecik2 yang dalam ornament tu ada tulis bile dah besar walau macam mana yang berlaku dalam hidup korang yang korang mesti bersatu. mesti kawen? *sigh..aku pulak yang naik angin.
this is reality of life. everyone must * i think i want to capitalizing the MUST word...everyone MUST go through and through, face it and solve whatever matters that come in your life. at the utmost wit, come even hell and high water..must go through bukan take one step back and run from the reality then life in the fantasy that you, yourself created.
sebab tu aku cakap. life are clueless..tak tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada masa yang akan datang.aku berdoa and keep asking from My Lord for HIS worship and bless for my relationship with him..MKH. Love u sayang..
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cintakan awak juga sayang...
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